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Their first film, Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy, was completed during the summer between Lewie’s Sophomore and Junior year during his time as a film student at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. Noah was still in high school. The film, being their first ever animation, was submitted to Lincoln Centers’ New York Film Festival on a whim. It got in and continued to screen at over 25 festivals world wide, including the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. The success of the film gave them steady work in the field of animation. Between commercial jobs, they have directed, produced, and animated one passion project animated short film every year since 2016. Stranger Than Rotterdam is their 6th. After 2018, Noah dropped out of Pratt University’s animation program due to the demand for his animation work. Since then, Together, Lewie and Noah, have worked full time on building their animation production company, Tall Glass with Ice Productions. Five of their six short films have screened at Oscar qualifying festivals and four of the five films which are available online have received Vimeo Staff Picks and have accumulated over half a million views.



Living and working out of Brooklyn, we, Lewie and Noah Kloster, are an animation duo retreating to how animation felt before the digital age claimed king over the medium. Cardboard, construction paper, cotton balls, and magic markers fill our studio to its brim. Accompanied by our dual perspectives, we are constantly digging for contemporary stories that fit within our frenzied tactile animated worlds.

While we are an original content powerhouse, we also love hearing ideas. We know all too well that ideas and messages can be overwhelmingly large and abstract. That’s where animation comes in. We have a keen eye for cutting right to the heart of what you are trying to say. You supply the idea, we’ll do the rest.

Follow us on Instagram. Lewie | Noah